Touring Romania
Private Tours Travel Company

Brukenthal Palace

Brukenthal Palace from Sibiu is now the most important museum of the city.
Brukenthal Palace


Built 250 years ago, it was the residence of the governor of Transylvania, Samuel von Brukethal. He organized his art collections so that they could be visited as early as 1790, three years before the opening of the Louvre Museum. The official opening of the museum took place in 1817, thus being the oldest museum in Romania



  1. Discover with us Alba Iulia Citadel from Transylvania!

    For Romanians, Alba Iulia is the most important place from the point of view of the national ideal: a big and united Romania. [...]

  2. National Geographic: "Transylvania, a Top 2021 Travel Destination for Families"!

    National Geographic released the Top Travel Destinations for 2021 and Transylvania is among the best travel destinations for families and friends! And yes, as we tell to all our guests in our Private Guided Tours: it is far more than Dracula! [...]

  3. Don't give up on hope! Plan your next travel for 2021!

    Without a doubt, 2020 was a horrible year for passionate travellers because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Our lives were affected by this and especially tourism was very affected. But, the whole world is waiting for a vaccine against this virus. This means that 2021 has good chances to offer us the possibility of travelling again! [...]

Only one free day ? No problem ! We'll show you few splendors of Romania: Bran and Peles Famous Castles, Brasov, Sibiu or Sighisoara Medieval Cities or the Fascinating Wild Danube Delta

One Day Tours

With 2 free days, you'll have the chance to enjoy more of the Medieval Transylvania, amazing Transfagarasan Road or the Wildlife from Danube Delta, the only natural place from Romania in Unesco World Hertage

Short Tours

Excelent opportunity to discover better Transylvania, Danube Delta, Black Sea or even Bucovina of the Painted Monasteries. 3 or 4 days will give you enough time to enjoy beautiful places of Romania

City Break

This is the best way to explore Romania ! We designed tours up to 2 weeks to cover all beautiful Romania. Medieval Transylvania, Traditional Maramures, Spiritual Bucovina or Wild Danube Delta are witing for you !

Long Tours


" Best Address for Romania

At first I was a bit worried about this tour because I had no idea about Romania. [...]

Eylull Yuksel

" “Day trip to Brasov from Bucharest”

We were given full information about all the places visited. [...]

Mani Manirapam - Malaysia

" Romania & Bulgaria Tour

George is an excellent and knowledgeable guide. [...]

Kiao L - Malaysia