Touring Romania
Private Tours Travel Company

Touring Romania - One of the Best Travel Companies in Romania!

Our passion and efforts to provide top quality Private Guided Tours are recognized by Tripadvisor with "Travelers' Choice for 2020"! This award encourages us to continue to improve and to offer great experiences to our guests travelling in Romania!

We started in 2014 and our goal was to promote Romania as an excellent travel destination in Europe. We received Certificates of Excellence in 2016, 2017 and 2018 ! We'll keep up the good work!

After these years, we have 181 reviews on Tripadvisor with 180 of 5 stars and 1 as 4 stars. You can check the revies, HERE


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Not as well known as other countries, Romania surprises travellers with its beautiful scenery and well kept traditions. We at Touring Romania are trying to offer you unique moments in Romania travelling off the beaten tracks, meeting the locals and learning about their way of life. Maramures, Transylvania, Bucovina or Danube Delta are the best travelling destinations  in Romania. Each is different and beautiful in its own way.

Transylvania will take deep in our 2000 years old history. Medieval Cities, Fortresses, Castles and Saxon Villages will give you an image of how these parts of Romania were 800 years ago. Bucovina is the land of Painted Monasteries, part of Unesco World Heritage. Maramures will take you back in time and Danube Delta is one of the best wildlife destinations in Europe.

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2020 will be remembered as the year when tourism was hit by a tsunami named Covid 19. Terrible times, but we have to keep faith and be optimistic! Better times will come soon and we'll travel again ! We at Touring Romania are preparing for the next season and we bought a new 8 seat coach for a better and more comfortable experience for you ! Your safety is our top priority and during our tours, we'll provide masks and hand sanitizers and the vehicle will be disinfected daily.  

Take a look at our Private Guided Tours, HERE

Touring Romania - One of the Best Travel Companies in Romania!



tripadvisor travelers choice 2020



  1. Why a Tour in Transylvania?

    Transylvania is the most well known area of Romania and attracts lots of tourists from all over the world. [...]

  2. Building hay stacks in Transylvania!

    Probably one of the most beautiful experiences a traveler can have in Romania is to participate in the making of hay stacks in Maramures. [...]

  3. Sibiu - The Most Beautiful Christmas Market from Romania

    Sibiu, also named Hermanstad, is probably the most beautiful city of Romania. [...]

Only one free day ? No problem ! We'll show you few splendors of Romania: Bran and Peles Famous Castles, Brasov, Sibiu or Sighisoara Medieval Cities or the Fascinating Wild Danube Delta

One Day Tours

With 2 free days, you'll have the chance to enjoy more of the Medieval Transylvania, amazing Transfagarasan Road or the Wildlife from Danube Delta, the only natural place from Romania in Unesco World Hertage

Short Tours

Excelent opportunity to discover better Transylvania, Danube Delta, Black Sea or even Bucovina of the Painted Monasteries. 3 or 4 days will give you enough time to enjoy beautiful places of Romania

City Break

This is the best way to explore Romania ! We designed tours up to 2 weeks to cover all beautiful Romania. Medieval Transylvania, Traditional Maramures, Spiritual Bucovina or Wild Danube Delta are witing for you !

Long Tours


" Knowledgeable, friendly and professional!

His conversation between the airport and first stop was insightful, interesting, and easy to understand - his English is very good [...]

Jane M, Canada

" Transylvania 7 day tour

We got to see places in Romania that changed my opinion of the country from my first impression [...]

Dave V. - USA - April 2021


Touring Romania with George was once in a lifetime experience. [...]

Raj M, USA